Endometriosis & Fertility

Family building can be a challenge, making it a trying and vulnerable moment for many on the journey to parenthood. It shouldn’t have to be so hard to get answers. You can help change that.

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Endometriosis is one of the leading contributors to fertility issues and early diagnosis can be key to influencing outcomes in both the short term and long term. But the only gold standard for confirmation of endometriosis is through laparoscopic surgery, a taxing and costly procedure. At NextGen Jane, we are working to change that. Our tampon-based test can find signatures in menstruation to confirm disease, no surgery required. You can be a part of our study to establish how well our test works for people struggling with infertility.

About the Study

NextGen Jane has developed the world’s first tampon-based diagnostic for endometriosis. That’s right—no hospital visit needed. We want to establish how well the test works in people struggling to get pregnant.

We need to collect tampons from patients who qualify. You qualify if: - You have been trying to get pregnant for at least 6 months if you are 35 or older or at least 12 months if you are 34 or younger - Your infertility is not solely due to male factor reasons - You are either going in to have a surgical diagnosis through laparoscopy or - You have had imaging that confirms the presence of endometriomas or - You learned of potentially having the condition via incidental finding during a non-related surgery (ex. C-section) or - You already had surgery and they did not find signs of endometriosis - You are able to wear a tampon during at least one menstrual cycle You can substantially add to the understudied subject of women’s health by finding use in something you throw away.

A tampon, both before and after your surgery. If you’ve been diagnosed by imaging or incidental finding, we will just need tampons before you start IUI / IVF treatment. We will follow up with you 6 months and 12 months after your diagnosis to collect additional tampons and check in on how you are doing. The study also requires you to fill out a few questionnaires that help us understand who you are more fully (menstrual experience, other conditions you might have, prior pregnancy experiences, etc.).

You will be compensated up to $500 for your participation in this study. Thank you for working with us to change the ways people are taken care of and treated by our medical system.

You can be a part of our study to establish how well our test works for people struggling with infertility.